Saturday 8 October 2011

Low Carbon Economy - Will your bank account benefit or suffer?

This is an updated previous blog. It is still highly relavent and the more involved I get in the Low Carbon area the more I am convinced business has to wake up and start future proofing itself.

I continue to have many opportunities to attended "green", low carbon related events: There was the formal launch of "The Untapped Business Opportunity" , prepared by the Carbon Connect group, on the terrace at The Houses of Parliament with Chris Hughne MP. Then three days spent at Eco-build 2011, talking with exhibitors and getting up to speed about this fast moving market place, the Renewables Roadshow in Wembley, and Timber Expo at the Ricoh Arena.

In addition to this, like you, I have watched the unfolding issues around Atomic Energy in Japan, what an horrendous experience the tsunami must have been, the civil unrest across the Middle East and the destruction of a habitat, and a company brand, by BP, in the Gulf of Mexico. All of which has implications on costs and business opportunity for UK businesses, now and in the future. The long term impact here is that; investment in Nuclear power is delayed or stopped, deep sea oil reserves remain untapped and consequently we remain reliant on dwindling fossil fuel stocks for our energy.

As editor of the online magazine Sustainable Building Matters, see, I have received press releases from the CBI, FSB and most recently a well known energy switch web site, all on a similar theme, businesses need to evolve and adapt to reduce their carbon use and overhead costs.

I have also met with representatives of businesses, National and local, to discuss opportunities in the green construction sector, all highly informative. Many also demonstrated that the barrier to this market is just identifying the initial green credentials, working out in what way you/they can reduce/offset clients carbon use, or energy costs.

Within the period of the events I have mentioned above, business energy prices have increased significantly, hitting SMEs seeking a new business energy contract. As well as prices soaring upwards, suppliers are also only guaranteeing their prices for a day or two reflecting the level of uncertainty still currently being experienced.

Putting all this together leads me to two inescapable conclusions:

1. UK Business has to future proof against unavoidable rising energy costs

To remain competitive and even regain an improved level of same, it is essential UK business wakes up to this NOW. In addition the low interests rates on offer mean the returns on investing in reducing the cost of running a businesses have never looked better.

So how can you do this? Well through; travel plans, waste management, improved property efficiency, improved heating and lighting controls and renewable energy systems. By all means switch energy suppliers, but also invest in reducing the energy consumption of your business and its property. This way you will also be more competitive than your competition and be able to gain more work.

2. There are genuine business opportunities in the Low Carbon economy

Lets be honest most of us are far more money conscious than eco conscious, so anyone in this sector might want to consider using this to leverage the market; driving your prospects through cost savings rather than planet saving!

Many businesses have a green opportunity, not just in construction either. The growing pressure to Buy Local is a vehicle waiting to be utilised and leveraged by smart businesses.

If you are unsure if you are green, or want to look at how you can take advantage of this market area, then get in touch for a no obligation initial conversation.

Please have a look at and send us any relavent News you may have, we make no charge for helping you promote your successes and achievements.

Until the next one, stay safe and why not connect via Twitter or Linked In, or leave a comment?

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